and then Sister
Schaat and Sister Thornton the rest of the week...
Darralee got baptized and because I was with some other
sisters as well, I got to go to another baptism too! It was awesome! At
Darralee's baptism I gave the talk on the Holy Ghost and told a story that I
wanted to share:
By the time my
uncle Ken Porter was 19 years old, he had flown more than 50 missions in Europe
as a tailgunner on a B-17 for the U.S. military. Of all his World War II experiences, one of my favorites is his story of the first all-black fighter group,
known to history as the Tuskegee Airmen. The Tuskegee Airmen often acted as escorts for Ken and his bombing group, assigned to keep them as safe as possible and giving aid when needed. Their help was never more valued than during one hazardous mission over Hungary when things went badly and my uncle’s plane was hit by flak from head to tail, knocking off the nose cone, damaging two of the engines, and wounding most of the crew. In an attempt to stay in the air, they discarded most of their guns, ammo, and anything else they could find. Even so, their situation became dire until at last they were able to make radio contact with the Tuskegee Airmen.
“Where are you boys?” one of my uncle’s crewmen asked. “We can’t see you.”
Within seconds of his call, the answer came reassuringly back: “Don’t worry, fellas. You can’t see us, but we sure enough can see you!” With that, the Tuskegee Airmen flew in to help my uncle, his crew, and their damaged B-17 to safety.
In recalling that story, I’ve often thought how we also have a guide in our lives. While the Savior was gathered with His Apostles before His Crucifixion, He told them, “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever” (John 14:16). This Comforter was also meant for us. With the Holy Ghost to guide us, our life’s journey will be safer and more sure, bringing us to where the Lord wants us to go.
The Holy Ghost is so important in our lives and those of us who have had the blessing of receiving that gift need to constantly stay worthy of it! It is a gift and we need to constantly be unwrapping that gift! It takes work!
I love you all so much and hope you have a great week!
Sister Eliza Hopper
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