Which also means I got to wear pants! It was great! Haha we had our recent converts there and a couple less active members and our investigator Jamar! And they all loved it! We had a lot of fun with the ward bagging fruit for families in need. And then we were about to go outside and I could hear something on the roof.... IT WAS RAINING. And not just raining but POURING. And of course like usual, it started to flood. And we had to somehow make it back home.. So we ran through the puddles to the cars and followed our member Weston back to our area and to safety.. We thought we were going to die haha! No one in Vegas knows how to drive in the rain... And the roads are horrible so hydroplaning is a problem here.
Well the rest of this week was a lot of running around
and lots of lessons. We had a member with us for every single lesson and I'm
realizing how important that is! Especially when we can find a member that
clicks we'll win our investigator. It's awesome to see how the spirit works
when we seek revelation for our investigators. I think I've talked about it
before but member missionary work is SO IMPORTANT. So do it :) and you will be
Most of our members are starting school this week at UNLV
so they are all freaking out and stressed out of their minds. I sometimes feel
bad that we ask them for help so much especially because there are so few of
them but I remember that this is the time that they need this the most. And
they understand that too. They know that when they are doing missionary work and
help us out with lessons or rides for our investigators that they are going to
be blessed! Sometimes our members tell us about how stressful their week was
and we apologize for asking them to come out with us but they turn around and
tell us that they wouldn't be able to get through their week with all the
craziness going on without doing this service. Our members are awesome! They do
so much even though they don't need to!
This next week is transfers and I've been here for 3
transfers so it's likely that I'll be leaving.. So I will let ya'll know what's
happening with that next week! Also we have a baptism on Saturday for our
investigator Peterson so expect some pictures from that!
Damoreyah left this week to go visit his mom in
Texas :( but he will be back right before transfers! So if I leave I'll get to
say goodbye! We took a picture of us sitting outside his brothers apartment
because that's where we have been having our new member lessons with him! We
have been roll playing with him so he is the missionary and we are the
investigators! Just doing a little mission prep for our future missionary! :)
Today is the first day of school so the institute building
is crazy! We stopped by and the parking lot was completely full! Which is not
normal at all.. Campus is covered with students and it was a little weird..
Haha but for those of you who are back in school this week, welcome back!!
Love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!!
Sister Hopper
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