We found some really awesome people this week and had
some amazing members out with us! Also have I mentioned how much I LOVE MY
COMPANION!? She is honestly so amazing and makes every day so much fun. She's
an amazing missionary and I'm excited to see how the rest of her mission goes!
The week started a little slow because I had to go to a
doctors appointment but we got to drive through my old area in Paradise! So
that was a blessing and then the week went SUPER fast. We got to go have pizza
with our investigator Faith and the Roderick girls came with us! They are
amazing and so willing to help out! We had a blast and Faith is really starting
to warm up to the ward!
Then that night we went and saw our investigator George
who had just broken his finger so he was a little out of it. But as a result of
our visit we got some cool sunglasses! He's awesome haha.
We were able to go to
breakfast with our other investigator Ulysses!
He was outside our apartment painting the curb when we
met him and he said he was looking for a church! We asked if we could meet with
him and he said he really liked breakfast so he wanted to meet us somewhere. So
we went to IHOP! The people here really are amazing and we have lots of fun
with them.
On Friday we had an extra sister with us because some of
the old missionaries from our mission came and spent the day with us! We had
Sister Gonzalez with us for the day and it was so much fun!
Right after we
picked her up we found a girl named Savannah and she was so excited to hear
about our message. Sister Larsen has been really good at asking people if we
can take a picture with them so we have been getting pictures with some of the
amazing people we have been meeting!
I think the most amazing thing that happened this week
was with a girl named Emily that we met a couple weeks ago. We had to
reschedule a couple times but we finally got to sit down and talk to her this
Her family is Catholic so thats kinda what she has been
calling herself. We started talking to her about the restoration and when we
talked about Joseph Smith's first vision she looked up at us and said
"That's beautiful!" She loved it! She's about 13 so it was so cool to
see such a young girl be so interested. We talked to her about being baptized
and she said yes! Then she asked us a question about how to become a better
person. We talked to her about repentance and she said she had never heard of
it. How amazing is it that we are able to share such simple truths that can
change peoples lives! She was so excited to see a change in her life and to
find out more about the restored gospel.
Last night at dinner one of the
sisters in the ward asked me what my favorite part of my mission has been since
I'm getting ready to go home. I told her that it was the change that I have
seen in those around me and in myself. The gospel Truly does change lives and
makes people happy. I've never seen something so powerful in my life.
I love sharing it with beautiful Las Vegas! Okay Vegas
isn't that beautiful.. But it is because of why I'm here! It's still the
desert... hahah
Well I hope you all have a wonderful day! I love you all!
Sister Eliza Hopper