Hello everyone!!
So is week was hard.. I'm FINALLY in Vegas and I'm in the
best area in the mission! But it hasn't been easy.. We live in a really nice
area with lots of gated communities and houses with super high fences..
There are so many pretty houses! Aaaaand we live right
next to the temple!
We can see the temple and the strip right outside our front
door! And out our back window we can see a mountain!

So my companion is Sister Vaaei and she is from Tahiti!
She just learned English and she is doing so well with it! She speaks French
and Tahitian and last night we had a lesson with a French family! I kinda knew
what was going on and could pick up some of the things they were saying (thank
you high school French class). But it was really cool. Sister V. Was able to
help them with a lot of concerns they had about the church!

This week has been hard b cause we have had so many
meetings that it wasn't really a normal week.. We haven't had many lessons and
one of our investigators with a baptismal date told us she didn't want to go to
church anymore.. So it's been a rough week.. On the up side we have a baptism
coming up! Bonnie and her Daughter Kim! They are so sweet and they wanted to
get baptized together so we are working with Kim's elders so that we can make
that happen for them! We took them to see the temple the other day and Kim said
"mom do you want to get sealed to me?" It was a very sweet moment and
I loved being able to go see the temple with them! It's beautiful!! All of the
new missionaries get to go next week I think.. So I'm excited for that!
I can't remember everything that's happened this week! I
need to get better at writing down all the things I want to write home.. I'll
get better at that as my mission goes on! I love you all so much! Have a great
Sister Hopper
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