His week has been crazy!!
We started working in our new area, the Stewart Place
ward. This area is completely different. There are so many people outside I
didn't even know what to do with myself.. We went to meet with the new bishop
at the beginning of the week and he is really focused on missionary work! We
are also pretty close to his family so we will have a great time working
together and we will be working hard! There is a lot of work to do here and a
lot of less active members in our ward that we will be working with as well. We
only have one week left in the transfer so we need to get to know the area well
so that I can get ready to take it over when Sister Vaaie leaves and I get a
new companion. So this week will be another crazy one! We also really need to
learn Spanish because most of the people we talk to speak Spanish..
One of the biggest blessings we have from this area is
The other thing about
apartments is that some weird stuff happens sometimes..
The other day we were knocking on a door and I was just
standing there and all of a sudden a diaper came from the apartment above!
Literally 6inches away from me a full baby diaper fell from the sky and landed
right next to my feet.. I was 6 inches away from baby poop being dropped on my
head. Apartments are great.
This week we got to go on a couple of exchanges! We got to
exchange with the STLs and the MSTLs! An MSTL is a mission sister training
Sister Hutchins and Sister Thornock!!
5 minutes to get him to come back so he could do it
again. When he finally came back he was so happy that he got baptized! It was a
funny and a spiritual experience. He's such a sweet little kid and I'm excited
to serve in his ward and see him grow even more!
This week we are planning on setting 3 people with a baptism
date so by the end of the week we will have 4! We have one with a date right
now because the elders had to pass him off to us. So we are excited!
We are seeing lots of blessings here!
This ward is going to be working hard with missionary
work and we are going to be very busy building the mission program in this
ward. I love this ward and I love this work! I'm excited to see this area
succeed and to see the members get excited and involved in the work!
I hope you all had a great week! I love you all!
Sister Eliza Hopper