This week we walked a lot! If you couldn't tell by the
subject.. haha but it was a lot of fun! We walked the entire day Tuesday and
nothing happened... literally nothing.. we just walked from one end of our area
to the other.. we were getting pretty discouraged by the end of the night.. but
we kept going!
Walking day! I made sure I had all the Book of mormons I
Even though we didn't find a lot of investigators that
day I still got rid of all of them by the end of the day! Thankfully because
they were getting heavy!
We were on our way to Roberts baptism interview and we were
running a bit late and we saw a lady walking from the bus stop with three HUGE
target bags full of towels! So we asked if we could help her and she said that
would be great! It was amazing because people never let us help! So we walked
up the hill to her apartment and we talked the whole way up and she was so
sweet and we asked if we could come back and talk to her again and she said she
would love to!
Roberts baptism! This family will be in the
temple in one year! |
By that time we were late for Roberts interview and we were
basically running to their apartment. When we got there the elders weren't
there yet... so we waited for them and caught our breath and it turned out to
be fine. Robert was interviewed by our district leader Elder Andersen and he
walked out of the room, threw his hands in the air and said "I
PASSED!" Haha it was so funny.
Went on exchanges with Hermana Ludlow! Every
time she prays she does it in Spanish so I got to practice my Spanish a bit! And
we did language study! |
Another cute picture from the relief society
room! |
I learned this week that we can't ever pass
up an opportunity to serve someone because that's a way to open them up to the gospel!
We have been praying for opportunities to serve people and show them love and
we have seen blessings from it!
Sister Hazen and I sitting in the car last week
because I didn't really have any pictures for last weeks email.. and then I forgot
to send it.. so here it is now! |